Research on goodguts probiotic has shown that it supports immune system health in a variety of ways
One study found that it positively affected the actions of immune cells while also producing a cascade of cytokines, which are chemical messengers that coordinate the immune response, when after subjects had taken a daily dose of goodguts probiotic for 30 consecutive days
In additional studies goodguts probiotic has been shown to have an immunomodulation effect on immune tissues (Jensen et al., 2010. Benson et al., 2012. Nyangale et al., 2014a).
Besides a direct effect on the immune components of the intestine it has been recently demonstrated that this probiotic encourages the growth and maintenance of normal commensal bacteria known to be anti-inflammatory and whose presence is often drastically decreased in Crohn’s disease and other forms of IBD (Nyangale et al., 2014 . Sokol et al., 2008).